Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Keep fighting in your life.....................

If we fight we, may not always win...........

But if we don't fight, we will surely lose...........

So never compromise in life and always fight for the best.

Mistake leads to success.........

Mistakes are embarrassing, when we do....

But years later..........

We have a collection of mistakes......

called experience..........

which leads us to success

Why we hate someone...............

We love our self...........

Even after many mistakes.........

Then why we hate others........

For their one mistake..........

Strange but true.
Think before u hate someone.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Good friends...........

Making a million friends is not a miracle..................

The miracle is to make a friend who will stay with you...........

When a million are against you................

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Human nature.............

When we have little..........

we want more...............

If we get more.............

we want even more................

When we lose that................

we realize that THE LITTLE was engouh..........

It's Human Nature...........

Who is our real friend...................

Sometimes in life.............
We run so fast that we don't notice anyone running with us.........
We notice them only when we fall & they stop to pick us up..........
They are real friends...................

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